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Welcome to the Insulite Health Natural Hormone Solution Resource Center

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  2. Library of Tools & Tips Handouts
  3. Support From A Tribe of Hormone Experts & Other Women Just Like You
  4. Hormone Friendly Recipes from the Healing Kitchen
  5. Reset | Restore | Renew - Mindfulness Practice
  6. Weekly Video Tips

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The Insulite Health Team

5% SOLUTION: Small Weekly Steps Equals Sure Success

MODULE 1: Set Yourself Up for Success!


Welcome to the Natural Hormone Solution - the world's only 5-element program for healing from the symptoms of hormone imbalance.  We’re so glad you’re here. This is Robin Nielsen and today I am going to share with you what you can expect on your healing journey.

Here's what you'll learn in this short video:

  • What the 5-Elements are and how they can help you heal
  • Every week for 52 weeks (that's a whole year) I'll share a Weekly Tip Video
  • What is the 5% Solution™
  • How to stay organized and show up each week

Your nutrients on getting packaged up right now and will be on their way to you shortly. That’s element #1 of your Natural Hormone Solution. There are 4 more elements that need an equal amount of your attention for you to heal your body, mind and spirit. They are: food as medicine, movement as medicine, cravings awareness and support community. These 5-elements will help you transform your life.

Each week for an entire year (that’s 52 weeks) I’ll be sharing a quick tip to help keep you on track for healing from the symptoms of hormone imbalance. We call this process the 5% Solution. This video is a little longer than the rest because I want to explain what the 5% Solution is so you know what to expect on your journey and why we think it’s the best approach.

The 5% Solution is going to shake the beliefs you have about how to heal from hormone imbalance…because if you’re like me you want to do everything right now – say adios to your cravings…overnight. Or like me you’ve read about the best exercises and decide you need to be a yoga superstar right out of the gate, or a wanna be professional tennis player.

Here’s the great news…you don’t have to change everything at once. Let me repeat that…DON’T CHANGE EVERYTHING AT ONCE.

Nobody’s brain functions like that or responds to that type of pressure anyway! In fact it freaks out….But by making just a 5% adjustment over time to your diet and lifestyle you can feel 100% better…The secret is in the baby steps…

So think about creating new lasting habits instead of a quick fix….Each week I’ll give you one simple thing to focus on for the coming week. Implement each weekly tip and at the end of 52 weeks you’ll have a brand new way of approaching your life – that is so easy!

It’s true what they say: “A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.”

The tip for this week: make a special folder in your email program for these weekly tip emails. You might name the something like the 5% solution or My healing journey, or I’m beautiful or whatever makes you smile. Then make a rule that all of these emails go into that beautiful folder.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with you again next week for your next tip. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 1 of the 5% Solution, the world's leading solution for healing from symptoms of hormone imbalance. This is Robin Nielsen and it’s so great to be here with you. Today there are a few things I want you to know while you’re waiting for your supplements to arrive.

  • We’re in this together. Our entire team suffers from hormone imbalance and we are here to support you every step of the way
  • You have all the power to heal yourself. Your health is in your hands. If you only have one take away from this entire process, it’s that you become your own health advocate for now and always
  • Get to know your body, how to read lab tests, what to ask for and talk about when you see your doctor, and over time become very clear on what you want for yourself
  • Make space in your life for you. Begin to evaluate what you can let go of for now. I always say, if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no. And what’s so cool is that the word NO is a complete sentence. Begin using it more often to create space for your healing

Here is your to-do this week:

• Join our Private Natural Hormone Solution community – the link to join is in your Welcome email – this is Element #5 of our Program – Support.  And then tell us a little bit about yourself.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 2 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen. By now you might have received your supplements. Here’s how I want you to take them:

  1. The Basic Program has 3 supplements: RejuvaPlus, PolyPlus and InsulX all contain nutrients for hormone balance, burning fat for fuel, promoting vibrant energy and managing blood sugar. They are all taken together with meals – 2 meals per day. Take 2 capsules each with breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner.
  2. If you purchased the PLUS Program, the 4th supplement is Omega Plus Fish Oil.
  3. GlucX has been discontinued.

At first it may seem like a lot of pills, especially if you’re not used to taking supplements. But for me and most of my colleagues, these four supplements are the foundation. Once you begin to understand what nutrients can do for you, you’ll begin experimenting a bit more. You should see my cupboard! I LOVE nutrients because they help me perform better at everything I do.

Here are your to-dos this week (there are 2):

  1. Take your supplements as scheduled. The more regular you are with taking your supplements, the better you will feel.
  2. Purchase a nuts and bolts container at the hardware store, like mine here, and put your supplements in it so you don’t have to open the bottles twice a day every day. You can either make breakfast and dinner compartments so you have a week’s worth, or you can put all of one kind in several compartments so you have up to a month’s worth in the container.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with you again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 3 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen. It feels so good to be here on this journey with you. I know exactly what you’re going through.

How is it going? What have you noticed since you started taking your supplements? – the RejuvaPlus, PolyPlus and InsulX and GlucX? If you’re located outside of the US you may not have received them yet so hold onto this email until you do.

Whenever we introduce something new into our bodies, changes begin to happen. All change is good because they tells us that something is happening…there is movement! And this could be literal because these nutrients will help your body to be more regular with your bowel movements.

You may feel like this is just too much information – and years ago I may have agreed with you. But I now know that our stool (bowel movements) are the best indication of how we are digesting our food, and the overall health of our bodies. Pretty cool, huh?

So here’s what you want your stool to look like:

  1. Dark in color
  2. Long
  3. One piece
  4. Pointed at one end
  5. A little on the soft side so you don’t have to strain when it comes out
  6. And when you’ve really arrived – you won’t have any smearing on the toilet paper – it will be clean!

Your to-do this week:

Drink enough water. Make sure it’s free of chlorine and fluoride because they are toxic chemicals that will hinder your healing process. Shoot for drinking ½ your body weight in ounces daily. So if you weigh 140 pounds you’ll want to drink 70 ounces of water per day – about 9 glasses.

This may seem like a lot but you need it. Especially because you’re body is now going through a gentle detox and we know that the solution to pollution is dilution. The fewer side effects the better….

Water also helps keep us from dehydration which is super stressful on the body and can even cause headaches. In fact many women who regularly experience headaches can get them to go away completely just by drinking enough water.

I used to hate drinking water. In fact, I thought water tasted yucky. I drank lattes, mochas, diet Dr. Pepper – anything but water. Until I got so run down and was completely exhausted…all the time. I was so nutrient deficient.

So I started drinking more water even though I didn’t like it. I put lemon in it, a little apple cider vinegar with stevia, drank herbal teas like Detox tea or Pau d’ Arco tea, ginger tea, hot water with lemon and stevia, bone or mineral broth, etc. Any water-based non-caffeinated beverages like these counts. And my new favorite is HINT water. You’ll have to give them a try – they come in so many delicious flavors – they are a real treat.

So enjoy your water this week, and post in our forum what your favorite is.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Welcome to the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen with a BONUS tip for you - SCHEDULE DOWNTIME: Take time to reflect and "just be" to promote the healing process.

Hi Beauties? Hey, this is Robin Nielsen. Happy weekend. I'm so excited to be here with you today because I went to a conference today. And I had some really nice downtime to kind of reflect and listen to some podcasts and just be as I was driving to and from the conference.

I realize that it’s something I don't talk about very much but it’s key. Absolutely key to our healing is really having enough downtime so we can get in touch with our “heart brain” and our “gut brain”. Really it's just our intuition.

But unless we have enough time so we're not running from one thing to the next, there's no way we can get in touch with that. And as a result, there's no way we can heal.

So, even with all the other beautiful parts of the five-element system, it is critical that you have enough downtime so that you can get in touch with what's really important for you and your healing.

It’s what you need because intuition drives us. And women have incredible intuition about all sorts of things. And that's what we need to get in touch with so that we can better serve ourselves and those around us. So we can be available for what our bodies and our spirits are trying to tell us.

So, I really encourage you to carve out time in your schedule to “just be.” And if that means reading for you, going for a walk, whatever that is, just make sure that you have that time to just tune in to what's going on with your body.

That awareness is incredible because as you start to have awareness about what's going on with your body, you're going to start to say, "Oh hey, I need to make this little shift because this is what's going on for me." And if you're constantly running like I used to do from one thing to the next, you are completely out of touch with what's going on with your body.

So, I'd love to hear from you. Just post here one thing that you can do to get back in touch, to be more aware of what's going on with your body and your mind and your spirit.

So, we want to get out of our heads for a little bit and get into our bodies and sort of reactivate our incredible intuition. And just that incredible awareness about what really serves us.

So, what's one thing you can do today to give yourself space just so that you can become more aware and get better in touch? I'd love to hear from you.

What's Your Big Why?

MODULE 2: Food as Medicine


Welcome to Week #4 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen and I am smiling from ear to ear just thinking about your beautiful journey.

Today’s tip is about food as medicine. This is the second element in our powerful 5-element system.

Food is medicine. Hippocrates, born in the year 460 BC said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” He was considered the “father of medicine.” Somewhere along the line, we forgot that food is medicine, and started getting chronic diseases and conditions. So let’s get back to using food as medicine.

When my two sons were teenagers, I had an epiphany one day. We all had some health issues, and I was so tired of telling them not to raid the pantry at 5pm when they were hungry. Because they would always go for the unhealthy, quick fix foods like chips or cookies.

So one day, I thought to myself, “I have all the power”. I do all the grocery shopping and all the cooking so what we eat is really up to me! I called the family together and we talked about this. I asked them if they would go on a healthier journey with me.

I had acne and was so tired all the time, my husband was overweight, my older son had bad cystic acne and my younger son seemed fragile – tired and sick more than I thought was normal.

So I carried the microwave out of the house and into the car to take to goodwill. My boys freaked out. But I told them that in no time they would learn how to cook in the oven and on the stove top.

Fast forward a few months, and both my boys were becoming amazing cooks, my husband Eric had lost 25 pounds, and my acne was all but gone. Here’s what I did:

  1. I cleaned out the pantry and got rid of all junk food – most every box and bag
  2. I purchased only vegetables, quinoa, brown rice, meats, eggs and nuts and seeds
  3. I started using more spices, herbs, sea salt and added some coconut aminos and tamari (wheat free soy sauce) to my dishes – that not only made them more nourishing but also made them so much more delicious

Your to-do this week:

Clean out your pantry. Go through it and get rid of anything that might sabotage you on your healthy journey, for example. you will be mad at yourself if you eat it – you know that mean little voice inside your head that says terrible things to you? We don’t want any of that!

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Food as Medicine

Welcome to Week #5 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen and I am jumping for joy that we are on this journey together.

It’s important that you plan on really giving it your all for a year. Sometimes it takes 2 years to fully heal from metabolic dysfunction – hormone imbalances – but in one year you will be there or almost there if you follow these 52 tips and continue the Insulite nutraceuticals. That’s because it just takes time for our cells to change over and for our genes to begin to express health instead of disease.

I was at a PCOS conference recently and all the case studies of those who were successful stuck with it for at least a year. Later I’ll share with you some blood work markers to ask your doctor for so you can start following them to gauge your progress. But for this week, we’re going to focus on Food as Medicine.

Today I listened to an interview with Dr. Barry Sears, the author of the Zone Diet which was all about reducing inflammation in the body. He never dreamed it would be a crazy amazing bestseller! But it was because his approach was all about using food as medicine to reduce inflammation through managing hormones.

And this is the same ground-breaking approach that Dr. Schwarzbein, an endocrinologist, discovered when she was working with diabetics and was actually able to teach people how to reverse diabetes in her book, The Program.

Both of these approaches used food to heal. Because food is a drug that can either harm you or heal you…depending on your choices. And it’s all about how you manage insulin, one of our MAJOR hormones.

So from here forward, think of food as your powerful drug to heal. Food is so delicious, yummy and nourishing. Keep that thought when putting your meals together.

Your to-do this week:

Eat a hormone-balanced meal every time you eat. Here’s what that looks like: eat a healthy protein, fat and carbohydrate every time you eat.

  1. Healthy proteins are foods like grass fed and grass finished animals, wild caught fish and shellfish, and cage-free organic eggs.
  2. Healthy fats are olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, grass fed butter, clarified butter or ghee, grapeseed oil.
  3. Healthy carbohydrates are the low carb choices like non-starchy vegetables with a small portion of starchy vegetables like beets, sweet potatoes or yams, and other root vegetables like celeriac or pumpkin, acorn squash, etc.

If you want to have beans or legumes, have a small amount – 1/4 of a cup, and avoid grains all-together as they can raise insulin too high. If you really need a grain, try gluten-free grains like brown rice or quinoa.

You’ll notice these suggestions are wheat, gluten and dairy free. I’ll share more on this later…Stay tuned for more Food as Medicine tips. Because these are the most powerful for healing and for keeping the fabulous healthy feeling and sexy body going!

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week #6 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen and I am over-the-top happy to be here with you.

Can you believe you’ve been on this journey for almost 6 weeks now? By making small changes each week, you are replacing habits that not longer serve you with healthy habits that will serve you forever! (Twirl around and jump for joy!!)

I read a bumper sticker recently that said “Don’t believe everything you think.” This is my new favorite saying! I love this because thoughts become things!

It’s so easy to get caught up in the muck of our negative thinking. That’s our ego telling us we’re not good enough, or we don’t have enough, or we’re not pretty enough. And this keeps us small, needy and unhealthy, full of self-loathing and zero self esteem. Who wants that??...

So let’s ditch the negative self talk by becoming more aware of when it’s happening. Then you can immediately switch to a place of gratitude, by simply stating 3-4 things you’re grateful for. This will help to get us to that place of bliss, right here, right now in the present moment. And what we think about grows!

So if we want more fabulous in our lives, just think about what that looks like and be grateful for the things you want more of. Even just daydreaming for a few minutes every day can have amazing effects.

My mindfulness practices include:

  1. Meditation - about 3 days a week for 15 minutes
  2. Yoga 1-2 times a week
  3. 2 daily walks
  4. Surfing/hiking once a week
  5. Riding my bike to and from my office

Being out in nature is so great for getting in the present moment.

Here is your to-do this week:

Purchase a beautiful journal – or make one yourself – and write down 5 things that you’re grateful for every night before bed.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 7 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen and I am bursting with joy to be here with you.

Let’s talk about Food as Medicine this week because the kitchen is one of my happiest places and you’ll want it to be yours too! That’s because we get to make amazing meals that not only taste good but they also make feel so good.

I’ve gotten so I don’t like to eat out very much because the food just isn’t as yummy. And I drive the server crazy with all my special requests anyway.

Growing up I never learned how to cook. My mother told me that I would have to cook soon enough so she did all the cooking. But I did learn how to bake. Because I loved baked goods. And cookies were my favorite.

For my wedding shower, I had to make a chocolate cake without a recipe – it was supposed to trip me up – be a joke. But the joke was on my maid of honor because I had no problem - I whipped up a chocolate cake in about 15 minutes... I could bake food that made me feel terrible but I didn’t know how to cook that made me feel good.

I had no idea that my diet of baked goods and bread was causing my many symptoms like acne, inflammation, weight gain and even my horrible moods. What we eat matters for  hormone balance – more than anything else you could do.

Today I want to share how to make one of my favorite go-to meals, The Shake. A shake is fantastic for a quick and easy, delicious-tasting meal that’s easy to digest – let me translate – you could eat it on-the-go. And no other meal you can!

For a quick refresher, the special formula for creating every meal is to always combine a healthy protein, fat and carbohydrate and you’ve got a hormone-balanced meal!

Here’s the BASIC recipe:

  • 1 cup water with some coconut milk or almond milk unsweetened
  • 2 tbls flax seed
  • 1 cup berries (raspberries are my favorite)
  • a handful of greens: parsley and spinach for example for some much-needed greens to reduce inflammation – don’t worry – you hardly taste them.

I blend this up first and then I’ll add my protein powder at the end to blend gently.

The quality of the protein powder matters. I use either the PurePea or the PurePaleo and you can find them here on our store: Protein Powder

If it’s really warm outside I’ll add an ice cube or two, otherwise I try to keep it more room temperature as it’s easier to digest that way. Mmmm, delicious! I’ll make this up for breakfast, or lunch and sometimes dinner or whenever I want a lighter meal or I’m in a hurry.

Here is your to-do this week:

Make a shake like this one. Keep it simple but always use a healthy protein, fat like flax seed or avocado, and vegetables with a some berries, and you’ve got the special formula!

Here is a link to 12 more healthy shakes. Don’t vary the recipe unless you want to add a few more vegetables.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

MODULE 3: Movement as Medicine


Welcome to Week 9 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen – can you believe we’ve been together over 2 months already?

It’s a powerful journey we’re on together. The most important journey of your life. And I am so honored to be a part of it….

Last week I shared 2 very important things. Did you take the Detox Quiz yet? If not, take it now. Because you’ll want to track your changes and you have to know where you started in order to do that.

Here’s the link for the Detox Questionnaire.

Remember last week I mentioned how important it is to remove wheat from your diet? Here’s why: wheat causes inflammation. Even eating wheat just once a week or once a month causes inflammation. And that’s the foundation of our health problems - inflammation. I’m sure you can feel it.

So to reduce inflammation we have to stop eating wheat and all foods and products containing gluten – the protein in wheat.

Wheat can even cause autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's – potentially causing a sluggish thyroid which many women have. As you can see it’s a real problem.

You’ll need to remove foods like: baked goods – anything with flour such as breads, pastas, cookies, cakes, waffles, pancakes, pastries, croutons, communion wafers, many frozen vegan and vegetarian foods, etc.

Then there are the tricky ones like wheat bran, wheat grass, wheat germ and many other flours like rye, barley, couscous, oats that are not labeled gluten-free, semolina, bulgar, triticale, soy sauce, and then there are many other foods that contain gluten.

Dr. Perlmutter has a good list here: Products Containing Gluten

Here’s your to-do this week:

  1. Do some of your own research on what foods contain wheat and gluten.
  2. And then read ingredients.
  3. Get rid of anything in your kitchen and pantry that contain gluten.

You’re body will start to doing the happy dance just feeling the freedom of a gluten-free diet!

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 10 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen and I’m so happy to be here with you…

This week I want to share about what happens if you’ve fallen off the wagon, gone backwards or just plain given up.

And then I want to share with you my simple rules for eating that may just get you pretty excited because they’re so darn simple…

Ok so what if you’ve fallen off the wagon? I try it several times a year. I’ll think I don’t need to eat so healthy and take all my vitamins and I’ll feel just fine. That’s until I get FLC – Feel Like Crap. And then I’m right back at it.

And I’m not the only one. Today we received an email from a former customer that said, “Can you ship my nutrients out today? I've noticed drastic changes since being off the nutrients these past few weeks and would like to get back on them ASAP”.

Going backwards sometimes helps us go forwards. It’s no big deal, you just get back on track. But you have to show up. That’s the biggie right there. Watching these weekly videos is key to staying the course.

And then there’s our Private Support Community. Have you joined us there? Be sure you do….

Let’s talk now about my rules for eating. Are you ready? Here they are:

  • Eat local foods in season, when possible, The life in foods gives us life.
  • Plan ahead. Be prepared. Carry food with you,
  • Eat within an hour of waking and eat again at 5 hours – 3 times per day – no snacking to let insulin drop for fat burning,
  • Stop Eating 3 hours before bed.
  • Always eat a protein, fat and whole real carbohydrate together.
  • Eat when you are hungry; stop when you are satisfied.
  • Eat mindfully and relax while eating.
  • Choose organically grown foods whenever possible.
  • Eat 2+ cups vegetables focusing on non-starchy, at each meal, with a little starchy vegetable
  • Eat lean protein, grass fed/grass finished meats, and wild caught fish, and eggs from free-range chickens.
  • Drink clean water free of chlorine and fluoride, and lovely herbal teas free of caffeine.
  • Eat high EPA/DHA fish one to two times a week (salmon, sardines).
  • Eat whole, real foods.
  • Eat a rainbow everyday and diversify your diet.
  • Use herbs, spices, sea salt and healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, butter from grass finished cows, ghee, etc. to make delicious meals.

Here’s your to-do this week:

Eat a high protein breakfast within an hour of waking and see what you notice. Do it for 7 days straight…and then keep it going. I’m so excited for all the energy you’re going to have!

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 11 of the 5% Solution. Hey Beautiful! Howz it going??

This is Robin Nielsen and this week we’re going to talk about movement. Formerly called exercise – ooooh! – we don’t like this word – so we renamed it movement.

This is the 3rd of the 5 Natural Hormone Solution elements and is critical to healing from the symptoms of hormone imbalance…

But not all movement is created equal, and if you’re like me I learned how to starve myself and over-exercise. I would go running because I thought I had to and then I’d get an ache in my side and was so tired all the time. I didn’t lose any weight doing this and sometimes my symptoms got worse.

But movement is really good for us if we do it the right way. The hormone-balancing way. In fact it’s essential. It helps us to build the right brain chemistry to be happy, it helps our bodies burn fat for fuel, it can help us to build muscle and tone us up so we look sleek and fabulous, and can help us to sleep better. We want all that!!

So here are some movement choices to focus on: Walking outside, pilates, slow flow yoga, weights, The Bar Method, tai chi, Qi gong, surfing, stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, and hiking are all amazing for supporting the right hormone response.

Movement that doesn’t stress your body out. Because stress will raise insulin and we don’t want that.

My favorites are walking (I do this twice a day with my dogs), slow flow yoga, hiking, surfing and supping. I also play competitive tennis but that is actually stressful so I have to compensate with extra supplements and rest.

So Here’s your to-do this week:

Do movement you like. And change it up so you’re not bored. Grab a friend and do it together. Shoot for 3 days of your favorite movement over this next week and see what you notice.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 13 of the 5% Solution. Hi, this is Robin Nielsen. It's so great to be here with you this week.

Today I want to talk about element number three, movement as medicine.

Today is a gorgeous day. My husband and I rented stand-up paddle boards off the pier, so we're out here in nature, on the ocean with some other amazing people who are also enjoying a beautiful day.

I'm here with my dog, Sunshine. She is on the stand-up paddle board with me. Let me see if I can show her to you. She's just relaxing with me, she loves being with me wherever I go.

We're soaking in some good vitamin D, we're just getting out and nurturing our mind, body and spirits. It's so relaxing out here, but we're getting a nice workout, a nice core workout, paddling around.

This week, I challenge you to do something that really nurtures your body, mind and soul, with movement as medicine.

There's just some great wildlife down here, so we're getting to see some beautiful sights. And here's my hot, sexy lover, he's paddling around too. Let me get him to wave.

All right, so I challenge you this week to get out there and do something fun for movement as medicine, that nourishes your hormones in a really big way.

All right, I'll see you next week. Bye.

MODULE 4: Cravings


Welcome to Week 8 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen and I am over the moon happy to be here with you today.

How will you know if you’re making progress? I’m going to show you how to do this in just a minute. But before I do I want to make sure you know one VERY BIG thing that could be MAGIC for you in your healing journey.

Ok, here it is – are you ready? Are you sitting down because it’s a biggie!! It’s very important to completely remove wheat and gluten from your diet.

Are you shocked like my friend Lynnie was years ago when she asked me how she could lose weight? I know me too! But you’ll have to trust me on this one. Removing wheat and gluten from my diet completely changed my health for the better, as it has for many successful women in our community.

I released weight, my arthritis went away, my skin began to clear up and so much more. I’ll share more on this next week - I just wanted to get you thinking about it because you may need time to process this….

OK, so how will you know if you’re making progress? You’ll have to take a short assessment to find out where you are now so you can see what’s improved later. Because what we measure improves!...It’s a Detox Questionnaire that will help you to identify symptoms of poor health.

Sometimes it’s hard to think of these on our own so this will help you get started.

Here is your to-do this week:

Click on the link below. Take the quiz now, and then you’ll take it again in 8 weeks. This will help you to monitor your progress.

Here’s the link for the Detox Questionnaire.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 10 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen and I’m so happy to be here with you…

This week I want to share about what happens if you’ve fallen off the wagon, gone backwards or just plain given up.

And then I want to share with you my simple rules for eating that may just get you pretty excited because they’re so darn simple…

Ok so what if you’ve fallen off the wagon? I try it several times a year. I’ll think I don’t need to eat so healthy and take all my vitamins and I’ll feel just fine. That’s until I get FLC – feel like crap. And then I’m right back at it.

And I’m not the only one. Today we received an email from a former customer that said, “Can you ship my nutrients out today? I've noticed drastic changes since being off the nutrients these past few weeks and would like to get back on them ASAP”.

Going backwards sometimes helps us go forwards. It’s no big deal, you just get back on track. But you have to show up. That’s the biggie right there. Watching these weekly videos is key to staying the course.

And then there’s our Private Support Community. Have you joined us there? Be sure you do….

Let’s talk now about my rules for eating. Are you ready? Here they are:

  • Eat local foods in season, when possible, The life in foods gives us life.
  • Plan ahead. Be prepared. Carry food with you,
  • Eat within an hour of waking and eat again at 5 hours – 3 times per day – no snacking to let insulin drop for fat burning,
  • Stop Eating 3 hours before bed.
  • Always eat a protein, fat and whole real carbohydrate together.
  • Eat when you are hungry; stop when you are satisfied.
  • Eat mindfully and relax while eating.
  • Choose organically grown foods whenever possible.
  • Eat 2+ cups vegetables focusing on non-starchy, at each meal, with a little starchy vegetable
  • Eat lean protein, grass fed/grass finished meats, and wild caught fish, and eggs from free-range chickens.
  • Drink clean water free of chlorine and fluoride, and lovely herbal teas free of caffeine.
  • Eat high EPA/DHA fish one to two times a week (salmon, sardines).
  • Eat whole, real foods.
  • Eat a rainbow everyday and diversify your diet.
  • Use herbs, spices, sea salt and healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, butter from grass finished cows, ghee, etc. to make delicious meals.

Here’s your to-do this week:

Eat a high protein breakfast within an hour of waking and see what you notice. Do it for 7 days straight…and then keep it going. I’m so excited for all the energy you’re going to have!

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Hi. This Robin Nielsen. Welcome to the 5% Weekly Solution. This week I wanted to talk a little bit about being organized. As I was getting ready for an event this evening, I couldn't find my sunglasses and I was scurrying around trying to find them. I realized, you know, if I just put them in the same place all the time, I could save myself some unwanted or unnecessary stress. That's what I usually do.

Every day, get into a routine of putting your things into the same places. Get your schedule organized so that you do your weekly activities the same day every week. Take one day a week, just maybe 30 minutes, and list out what you have to do the next week, and then set aside the time to do it. Actually put it in your calendar. Put your car keys in the same place. Put your grocery shopping list in the same place. Put your grocery shopping bags in the same place. In fact, keep them in your car so that you have them when you go to the grocery store. Right? Simple things like this can make a really big difference on the stress in your life. We know that people with hormone imbalance just have more stress. They perceive stress a little bit differently than others. We want to reduce it and eliminate it as much as possible.

This week, get yourself organized around the routine things that you do every day and every week, and it'll really simplify your life. All right. I'll meet you here again next week.

Eat Fiber to Rock Your Hormones

Hey, this is Robin, and I just wanted to drop in for Motivation Monday. I'm here at the Clark Fork River in Missoula, Montana. It's actually raining right now, but I wanted to give you a little inspiration for Motivation Monday.

I want to make sure that you're getting enough fiber in your diet, because fiber is so important for helping us to metabolize hormones. It's one of the critical elements of hormone balance.

• It helps us to eliminate toxins.

• It helps us to eliminate metabolized hormones.

• It helps to clean our entire digestive system.

• It helps us to feed our beneficial bacteria.

• It helps to create that peristalsis that keeps our digestive track flowing and helps us to stay regular.

It just helps us to feel better.

So, make sure that you're getting enough fiber in.

Today, we posted the fiber handout that's in our resource center. Make sure you grab that, so you can see where to get enough fiber from. Just two tablespoons of flaxseed a couple of times a day, or chia seeds, or a little bit of legumes, or just whole, real food. A lot of vegetables will give you some good, amazing fiber.

All right. I want to hear what you're doing to get enough fiber in your diet. Sending you so much love. "Muah".

MODULE 5: Digestion


Welcome to Week 15 of the 5% Solution. Hi I’m Robin Nielsen and I’m so glad you’re here!

This week’s topic is all about regularity, i.e. bowel movements. There are other names for bowel movements like stool, feces, poop, etc. This can be a very sensitive topic because how often do we talk about going #2?

Well, if you’re a nutritionist or in the holistic health care field, then you’re like me – we talk about them a lot. And if you’re an acupuncturist or familiar with Chinese medicine then you are very interested in the “Scoop on your Poop”. A Chinese medicine diagnosis will always include questions about bowel function because the functioning of your bowels – your large intestine or colon and your rectum can be related to so many other health issues.

With symptoms like acne on the face and chest, irritability, high blood pressure, abdominal distention or bloating… and headaches can be caused by constipation. Constipation can cause too much heat in different parts of the body. If you suffer from acne, do you notice how hot you feel on different parts of your body at times?

This was the case for me. I was constipated most of my teen years and well into my late 20s and early 30s. Who knew that my bowel movements weren’t normal? Not me!

Infrequent or thin bowel movements can cause symptoms like depression, neck and shoulder tension, frequent sighing, PMS and irregular menstrual cycles. Now I know why I had neck and shoulder tension for so many years. Constipation in all its forms can be aggravated by stress, changes in routine or even just a sedentary lifestyle.

Here are some things to know about your poop that could have a big impact on your health. It needs to be dark in color, slightly on the soft side so you don’t strain to get it out… and at least once a day. If you tend towards constipation you are reabsorbing your toxins and will feel even worse each time this happens. A bowel movement removes toxic waste from your body including metabolized hormones. But it can’t do it very effectively without fiber.

Enter all the fiber from your amazing food. You need soluble fiber to bind to your toxins to remove them, and insoluble fiber to sweep your digestive tract clean and promote bulk for peristalsis to keep things moving down your digestive tract.

So this week pay attention to your bowel movements. How often are you going, are they well-formed and dark in color? Many women in our community have said that after starting Fiber they became regular for the first time in their lives. Let me know what you notice.

In a few weeks I’ll share about diarrhea or loose stools. Wishing you a fabulous week and I’ll meet up with you again next week.

We’re here for you every step of the way!


Welcome to the 5% solution. Hi, I'm Robin Nielsen, and his is week 19.

I'm so excited to be here with you today.

I'm here in my beautiful kitchen where I spend a lot of time, and today I'm going to show you something really fun and simple that you can do in your very own kitchen at home.

You know, I use sprouts, all kinds of different sprouts. I use pea chutes, sunflower sprouts, broccoli sprouts, micro greens, I just use all the little sprouts that I can find at the market to throw in my shake every day that I make, because they're really a super food, they contain so many amazing nutrients.

I also use them on my salads once in a while, and one of my favorites is broccoli sprouts, because broccoli sprouts help us to detoxify, and women with hormone imbalance just tend to store more toxins than most, and we also have a hard time, I think it's because we have a hard time metabolizing them.

So, broccoli sprouts contain something called sulfonmethane and glycophate, which are so good for us to help to detoxify. And we can be quite deficient in those nutrients. And so, I bought myself some broccoli seeds, and you can actually just buy them right on Amazon. These are from the Sprout House, and these are organic. And it's super easy to grow your own, and it's so fun, especially if you have a family, you know if you have kids around, they can do it.

And it's so much fun to eat something that you've grown yourself, and this is something you can do indoors, no matter what the weather is like. And, all you do is get yourself a bag of seeds, right, so that you can sprout something. You can even sprout beans, you can sprout raw nuts and seeds of any kind, so sunflower sprouts, right, those are so easy. You take sunflower seeds and do the exact thing that I'm going to show you here today.

The same thing with any type of bean, right, any raw bean. You can do the same thing, just sprout them, and then you can throw them into your shake, or put them in your salads, or use them however you like. They're amazingly powerful, new, beautiful growth food.

Alright, so all you do is you just take a tablespoon of these and you put them in to a jar, but really all you need is a big jar like this. And, I happen to have this really cool little mesh lid that goes on the inside of the screw top, but you don't have to have this. I didn't have one for a long time, and I didn't even use it.

But if you have it, it makes it a lot easier. And basically all you do is, you're just going to put one tablespoon of these seeds into the jar, right, so just one tablespoon into the jar, because believe it or not that's a lot of seeds. And then, all you do is you just pour some water in, and you do this twice a day.

Twice a day, just a little bit of water, you just get them really wet, right. This first time you do it though, I'm going to let these soak overnight, so I'm not going to rinse them, because we're going to really set them up for sprouting. So I'm going to soak these seeds overnight, and then I'm going to drain all the water out. So it's really important, no matter what you do, make sure there's plenty of air that gets in here.

So if you have a lid, great, if you don't, fine, no problem. You'll just need to use some cheese cloth or some kind of mesh over to drain them twice a day. So I'm going to leave them like this overnight, and then I'm going to drain, and then I'm going to rinse with some fresh water, and drain again, and I'm basically just going to keep them slightly moist every day. And then in five days they'll be about ready to eat.

Sometimes you can go a little bit longer since they're just a little bit bigger, but again, you soak them overnight in water, rinse, and then completely drain so that they're moist, you kind of set it on its side like this, you can prop it up somehow so that the water drains away from the seeds, and then you just rinse them with fresh water twice a day. Rinse and drain, okay?

And that's it, and before you know it, you're going to have these beautiful sprouts to eat, and again you can do it with all sorts of beans, nuts, seeds, and you'll have beautiful sprouts to nourish your body, mind, and soul. Alright, well it's great to be here with you this week, your challenge this week is to sprout some seeds, okay.

So I look forward to seeing your posts in our Private Community on Facebook, I'd love to see what you're sprouting, and what you're using them for, it's always fun to share, and, I will meet you here next week.

We're here for you every step of the way.


Happy Motivation Monday, beauties. Hey, today I wanted to jump in here and talk a little bit about poop.

I know it's not the most sexy topic of all, but it's really, really important for our overall health, and it's something that we don't talk about often. I want to make sure that you check out the module on digestion because it's so helpful for healing from symptoms of hormone imbalance.

I went into the restroom this morning, and somebody before me had left kind of skid marks in the toilet. If you look down in the toilet bowl of water and you see these brown skid marks in there, that is an unhealthy stool.

And what that means is that it's sticking to the tank. It has a lot of histamine in it, a lot of mucus, a lot of ooey gooey. And so we know that that sort of stool is not supporting you. Whatever you're eating, you're having an allergic response to.

Your poop needs to be dark, one piece, well-formed, softer rather than harder. It needs to be pointed at one end. It needs to come out easily, not be too hard to push out.

If you see green in your stool or if you see chunks of food in your stool, then you need more digestive support, like increasing your stomach acid. If your stool is floating, then that means that you're not digesting or metabolizing your fats well.

So your stool needs to be kind of like a banana, all one piece as much as possible and gentle to come out, and at least one to two bowel movements per day.

You don't want to see any of those lines on the toilet bowl, because that means that you are having too much mucus in your system. That means that your poo is too ooey gooey and that you're not digesting well. You're having a food reaction to something that you're eating.

Just take a look at your stool. Make sure it's one to two bowel movements every day, long, dark in color, easy to come out, and that you don't see food particles, it doesn't look green, because then you know that you need to increase your stomach acid.

All right, it's been great sharing this awesome Motivation Monday tip with you, and I'd love to hear from you how you're doing with your poop. All right, sending you so much love.

MODULE 6: Sleep

Welcome to Week 16 of the 5% Solution. I’m Robin Nielsen and I’m so glad you’re here!

Today we’re going to talk about adrenal health. Could your symptoms be caused by your adrenal dysfunction? The short answer is YES!!

Your adrenal glands are small endocrine glands that sit on top of your kidneys and the left one is slightly larger.

Maybe you’ve heard me talk about insulin and cortisol before? Just a few times, right? Cortisol is our fight or flight hormone that is produced by your adrenal glands.

Your adrenal glands also produce about 50 other hormones the help to run your body efficiently including adrenaline and hormones to regulate blood pressure and electrolytes like sodium and potassium through your kidneys.

The adrenal glands are also responsible for metabolism regulation and immune system suppression. If you’re constantly stressed you will not be able to fight off infections, or digest your food well, for example.

The adrenal glands also make roughly 25% of the testosterone, 50% of the androstenedione, 80% of your DHEA and 100% of your DHEA, S. The same as your ovaries if they are still active except for DHEA – your ovaries only make 20% of DHEA and no DHEA, S.

As you can see many of the male hormones that can get out of balance with symptoms of PCOS are actually made in your adrenals. And it’s the androstenedione (50% is made by your adrenals) that can convert down the alpha pathway converting to DHT through an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase.

This may sound complicated but the bottom line is that you’ll end up with acne, hair loss, irregular menstrual cycles, darker facial and body hair and other symptoms.

When your adrenals are not working their best, hormone imbalance happens. Cortisol goes up and stays up, your blood sugar hormone insulin does the same, and you end up making more androgens, suppressing your immune system and digestion (think food intolerances and irregular bowel movements), along with weight gain, mood swings, muscle aches, fertility problems, hot flashes, fatigue and more. As you can see your adrenals are an important part of the puzzle.

Not to keep you hanging, but next week I’ll share how you can have happy adrenal glands that support your health instead of sabotage it!

For now, just make sure you’re taking your supplements as suggested. They have lots of adrenal support from many angles.

And one more easy next step. Take the Adrenal Quiz. This will give you a good idea of where you stand.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week.

We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Welcome to Week 17 of the 5% Solution. I’m Robin Nielsen and I’m so glad you’re here!

Today is Part II of adrenal health.

Last week I talked about how your adrenal glands play a very important role in your health from supporting a healthy metabolism to making your hormones including progesterone and one called aldosterone that regulates the body’s salt and water levels which in turn regulates blood pressure.

The main point though was that your adrenal glands also produce a lot of androgens and can cause many symptoms of hormone imbalance. So we want to do everything we can to keep them happy and balanced.

Here are 14 ways you can begin to balance your adrenals:

#1, set a regular schedule for yourself. Your body loves routine so start paying more attention to this each day. Try to get up at the same time, go to bed around the same time, eat at the same time, exercise at the same time, etc.

#2 Get sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning – it helps to set your energy and circadian rhythm for the day,

#3 Eat a high protein breakfast within an hour of waking,

#4 Eat according to Robin’s Rules every 5 hours,

#5 Stop eating by 6pm each evening =- 7pm at the latest,

#6 move everyday whether it’s walking or riding your bike or pilates or whatever – just get out there and move,

#7 reduce bad stress wherever you can,

#8 take a hot bath with 2 cups pure Epsom salts + 10 drops essential lavender oil and

#9 surround yourself with like-minded people who support and love you,

#10 Drink water – dehydration is stressful on the body,

#11 Take you nutrients – if you are nutrient deficient that is a stressor,

#12 Eliminate toxins like household cleaners, laundry detergent and body care products,

#13 Seek pleasure for yourself every day – women need pleasure,

#14 Build oxytocin by hugging someone, petting a dog, having an orgasm, stimulating your nipples for one minute or hanging out with your girlfriends.

You can do these things, right?

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week.

We’re here to support you every step of the way.

The Power of "Reset, Restore, Renew"

Hey beauties. Happy Monday. This is motivation Monday, and I just wanted to step in here and say hello and share a little bit about why I renew, reset, restore. I might, do I have that right or wrong? Or it might be reset, restore, renew.

It's so powerful here in our beautiful community. You know, Mika and Mandy had been doing this for awhile now every single Tuesday. I'm not sure if you've checked out the videos or not, but make sure you do. They're incredible for helping us to get back into our bodies. They're incredible for helping us to start the healing process. They're incredible for helping us be more mindful and less stressed out.

So the reason we started this is because that was the missing element to our five element system, is really helping you to purposefully unwind and destress. So I want to take a moment to share with you a little story about myself.

You know, way back when, before I was a nutritionist, actually, I remember my life was slowly transitioning to this path, and I would come home from work, and I was so incredibly stressed out. I was so stressed out. So the only way that I could approach my family with love and with purpose and being embodied was to do 20 minutes of yoga with Rodney Yee every day.

He saved my life, and it was a mindfulness practice and I wasn't a big yogi. I didn't go to the yoga studio, I don't even remember how I found him and his amazing AM PM yoga tapes, but they literally saved my life, and they saved my relationship with my family.

So I would get home from work, completely stressed out, so busy all the time. And I would do this 20 minute really simple yoga practice. Of course at the end is my favorite, which is Shavasana, where you're just laying flat on the floor.

It's kind of like eating dessert. You just get to lay there and be so peaceful. That's one of my wants, when I go to yoga is to do Shavasana first, to just be present and just lay there and relax, because how many times do we do that every day?

The only way for us to heal and to let our body start to feel so much better is if we can get it into what's called the parasympathetic, or rest and digest mode, more of the time.

I know for many of us, we are go-getters. We are on the move. We've got things to do, and we're a little bit anxious, maybe. Our mind is really busy thinking about things that don't support us.

So really the only way that we can get back into our bodies is to do some sort of breathing and mindfulness practice.

So the Reset, Restore, Renew is really powerful for that. That's your five to 10 minutes every single day where you can just take that short break that can completely shift the outcome of your day from hectic and crazy and more symptoms of hormone imbalance to more peace, more love, more healing, feeling better.

Just talking about it makes me feel so good. So through my Reset, Restore, Renew practice, way back when, I was able to start to heal my body. After I was done, every day when I would get home from work, I would just feel so much more centered, so much more there for my family, so much more in a loving place for myself.

We have to get oxygen in, in order for that to happen, and the only way to get oxygen in is to breathe mindfully. That's what reset, renew, restore helps you to do.

I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but what happens is, is we end up taking a lot of very short breaths all day long, and it's very stressful on the body and it keeps us in the sympathetic mode, which is the fight or flight.

We're really good at that already, so let's let that go. We don't want to be in the fight or flight mode all the time because then we're not healing, then we're not digesting our food, then we're not having good healthy bowel movements.

So I encourage you to get your phone out. This is the one time I'm telling you it's okay to grab your electronics. Go to our Facebook page, play one of the Reset, Restore, Renews in the middle of your day, at the beginning of your day, at the end of your day, three times a day if you want.

Just practice. Just do that five to 10 minutes and oh my gosh. Even if you just do it once a week, it will completely change how your body perceives stress. So now the little things that really bother you right now just won't bother you so much. It's really incredible.

So I invite you to just get into a practice the same time, the same day every week, where you're just playing one of the reset, renew, restores, one of the magical practices that Mika and Manny have put together for us. Just let your body start to heal. It's incredible.

So I want to see and hear from you what you've noticed by doing one of these practices. You've got this beautiful woman.

MODULE 7: Why Detox


Welcome to Week 12 of the 5% Solution. This is Robin Nielsen and I want to congratulate you on taking such great care of yourself.

Today I want to share with you why it’s so important to do a Toxin Assessment.

Many times it’s the toxins in our lives that are making it hard for us to heal. Let me tell you what I’m taking about.

Toxins come in many different forms. There are toxins in our foods like pesticides, and herbicides – one of the biggies is glyphosate – which is the Roundup Ready systemic herbicide used in most vegetables today and is also sprayed on the crops right before harvest.

We also spray it around our homes like crazy, to kill weeds. You may even have some in your garden supplies. But it’s toxins like these that mess up our digestion causing us to be sick, fat, tired and depressed.

Have you heard of Genetically modified foods? They are called GMOs….and are engineered in a lab. You can find them in many many foods like corn, soy, canola and sugar beets – in fact most is genetically modified here in the US and are used in most all processed foods, along with many other fruits and vegetables now like papaya and pineapples in Hawaii.

The same physical response happens with these foods causing hormone disruption in our bodies. I could go on and on about toxins but here’s the quick and dirty:

  • Stick to organic and non-GMO as much as possible.
  • Buy BPA free plastic when you do have to buy something in plastic.
  • Read all labels and clean up your makeup and body care products by checking the website EWG Skin Deep to see if they’re safe.
  • Limit exposure to the toxic people in your life.
  • Breathe in high quality air and drink chlorine and fluoride free water.
  • Be conscious about what you put on your skin, what you eat and what you breathe in. Even your mattress can be super toxic, so check it out.

When we begin to eliminate the toxins in our lives, our bodies begin to heal. Weight begins to release, we feel lighter and we don’t get sick as often.

So here’s your to-do this week: Check all your body care and makeup products at EWG Skin Deep…….and toss the ones that are toxic. Purchase new healthier ones or make your own.

Enjoy your week and I’ll meet up with again next week. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Connect With The Earth for Better Health

Here at the beach. And as you can see, I'm barefoot and my feet are actually connected to the earth, which is an incredibly powerful way to get our bodies functioning more optimally, get our systems working together more synergistically, and helping us to feel so much better.

So with symptoms of hormone imbalance, it's because, our systems are just a little bit off. Our timing is off. And the beautiful surface electrons of the earth's surface can help to re-regulate our systems by making subtle changes. So for instance, it can help with better sleep. It can help with reducing pain, it can help just everything work better.

The energy of the earth is so amazing and we're usually buffered from the beautiful energy of the earth through shoes, right through that kind of a rubber sole that actually keeps us from utilizing the beautiful energy of the earth.

So I encourage you today to take your shoes off and connect directly with the earth's surface and help to re-regulate the beautiful systems of your body for much better metabolic function.

All right. I want to see pictures! Wishing you a fantastic day.

Give Yourself Time to Heal!

MODULE 8: Test Don't Guess

Hi, this is Robin Nielsen and this is the five percent solution weekly tip. I'm so excited to be here with you.

I want to talk about food today 'cause sometimes we get so wrapped up in different diets like, "What's the latest and greatest?" And "I'm gonna try this one." Or "I'm gonna try that one. I want to see results fast."

And that's okay but it's not gonna be for a lifetime, right? It's not gonna be ever-lasting.

So, it's really important to get those food habits set in a way that really supports your body for a lifetime.

So, there are several diets that come to mind when I think about those special diets that everybody's talking about. There's paleo, there's a keto diet, and there's intermittent fasting. They all have their place. But if you have insulin resistance, if you're having blood-sugar issues, you really have to start with a whole real foods diet where you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and you space them out appropriately. Because what you eat and when you eat is most important. Focusing on whole real foods is second most important. Right?

So, go back to Robin's food rules. Go back to the food-approved list and just take another look at that and just start there if you're struggling a little bit. Then in our group, I give tips on how to do keto, how to do intermittent fasting, and how to do paleo, if you want to up your game a bit.

It's so great to be here with you and I'll meet you again next week.

Keep Track to Release Weight

Hey, beauties. This is Robin for Motivation Monday, so great to hear be here with you. I just wanted to remind you this week we're going to keep track.

Go to the resource center, find the daily journals, or your daily food journal, and keep track all week long, because scientifically we know that those who keep track lose weight faster.

Remember, we're not saying lose, we're saying release, because we don't want to find it again. If we're going to release weight faster, we're also going to improve so many other symptoms.

So keep track all week long and post right here in our Facebook group. Sending you so much love.

MODULE 9: Hear From The Experts


Welcome to week 20 of the 5% solution. Hi, I'm Robin Nielsen, and I'm so glad you're here.

Today we're in my beautiful, gorgeous kitchen where I spend a lot of time. It's one of my favorite places, and I thought it would be really cool to share some of the tools that I use in cooking, some of my favorites that have made cooking really, really easy.

So we know that if we eat at home at least 50% of the time, we are so much healthier. My husband and I love to eat out, and it's so easy, right? You just go somewhere and you sit down and somebody serves you and it's really simple. But, oftentimes, we're disappointed after our meals, because the meals just aren't as yummy and delicious and nourishing as the meals we make at home, and it's expensive. So, we expect a lot, and we really don't get a lot in return.

Eating at home, you know what's in the food, you know what you're getting, you know that it's balanced, and there really is no substitution. So, enjoy your meals out. We had a weekly tip about how to eat out a little bit more successfully, but grab some of these tools to make it a little bit easier for you to cook at home.

Here they are. I have a set of knives that are my favorite. These are ceramic knives. The reason I like ceramic knives is because they never have to be sharpened. How cool is that? If you have to sharpen a knife, the chances of you using it are really not very big, because the knife is dull, and when you cut your food with a dull knife, it's really ugly, right? You can really damage the food by cutting with a dull knife. Ceramic knives stay forever sharp. The downside is they're dangerous. You can really cut yourself with them. The upside is you will have beautiful food when you cut it. I mean, cutting a tomato is like a dream with ceramic knives. Oh, my gosh. I think we use all three of these, these sizes, every single day. This medium one here and the two smaller ones. This big one we just use for special projects. Okay? So ceramic knives are my favorite.

I'm going to show you one more thing that is ceramic. This is called a mandolin, and I believe that this is a Kyocera mandolin. I think that our knives are Kyocera too, although this one says Cuisinart. There are a lot of different ceramic knife companies now, and you can get them fairly inexpensively, whereas before they used to be really expensive.

A mandolin actually slices food very thinly. You can see this ceramic blade here. Zucchini, for instance, if you want to make some zucchini noodles, where they're about an eighth of an inch thick. I make a beautiful lasagna, and I use zucchini instead of regular noodles. You basically just run it along the sharp edge here and it makes these thin slices. The downside is you've got to keep your knuckles and your fingers away, right? So you do it flat, or you use this. This has little pokey things that actually poke right into the fruit or vegetable so that you can do it without hurting yourself, okay? It's called a mandolin. Lots of different types and varieties. I like this one because it's super simple. Super simple, and it's going to stay very sharp. If you don't get the ceramic blade, then you're going to end up having to discard it before too long because the blade will get dull. That's why I love ceramic.

All right. My next two implements, just this simple brush, right? For using oil, coconut oil, olive oil, putting it in your little ceramic muffin pans to make your egg cups, or to use on pans to put oil on. Just indispensable. Sauces, right? Put sauces on meats or vegetables or whatever when you're cooking, or roasting. Amazing.

This little spatula is fantastic for your high speed blender, for your Nutribullet, to get all of the remaining goodies out. It's hard to get those goodies out at the bottom. I made some cashew cheese the other day. So delicious, just with a cup of cashews, about a half a cup of almond milk, two cloves of garlic, and some fresh basil. You just blend it up in your blender. Well, to get that yummy cheese out, you need something like this. Super handy, really inexpensive.

Some kitchen scissors, kitchen shears, for opening packages, for cutting things that are a little bit harder, vegetables, things like that. Kitchen shears are so indispensable. Get yourself a pair of those.

This is a grater that is amazing. I think it says microplane on it? I love this grater because when you grate things like ginger, lemon peel, it's big enough so that it sits right on top of your bowl, and you can just grate back and forth. Let me grab a lemon really quickly. You can just actually grate back and forth like this to get your whole lemon peeled, and all of the peel, or all of the ginger, or whatever it is you're grating, ends up right in here. Then you can just take it and push it right into your dish that you're making. Oh, my gosh, it makes life so simple, and really, your meals so delicious. This is one of my favorite tools. When I got this, I was so happy. A true chef gets really excited with these silly little kitchen implements.

We had an exchange student from Venezuela, and he was, I think, 18 years old when he came to stay with us, and he went to a senior year of high school while he was with us. They took a trip to Yosemite, and he brought us home these really cool bear paws that are actually for salads, for tossing salads. These, gosh, we've had these for probably, I want to say 12 years? These have been our go to salad implements forever. Something simple, just to toss your salad. It doesn't have to be bear paws, but whatever it is for you that's really easy just to toss beautiful salads will be really fabulous for you to have on hand.

I just have three more things. One, of course, is a peeler. Got to have a peeler. One thing that's really cool to do is to take a regular cucumber after you've washed it and then variegate it, so that you don't peel the whole cucumber, but you do peel here and then you take a space and peel so you make stripes with the dark green? Then when you slice it thinly, you get these beautifully variegated pieces of cucumber. All sorts of really fun things like that, but a peeler is essential, right? It's essential, and you want to keep a sharp one around.

And I love this little strainer, because for instance, you can squeeze a lemon, and catch the seeds in here when you're putting lemon juice on things. You can use it for straining small things, like nuts and seeds and things like that. Just great to have a small little strainer. It's perfect for over a cup. You can just put it right over a cup, and then even tea leaves you can strain. So, whatever you need to strain, a little tiny strainer is so, so essential in your awesome kitchen.

The last thing is this mortar and pestle, right? It's so beautiful. Isn't that gorgeous to have in your kitchen? We've had this for years and years and years, probably 25 years. It's great for putting things in here and mashing them up, so I can think of when I made the mocktails for the mocktail guide, we mashed up so many different things. Of course, ginger is great to mash up, cranberries, anything that you need to mash, this is perfect for. Garlic, yeah, all sorts of yummy things. So, mortar and pestle, and it also just makes your kitchen really beautiful.

Those are my favorite kitchen elements to have around, kitchen utensils, kitchen support tools. So, consider trying one or two of them. Maybe you've picked up a tip today that'll help make your kitchen experience a whole lot better, and certainly make it easier for you to cook.

All right. So great to be with you here today. I'll meet you here next week. We're here for you every step of the way.

Welcome to week 21 of the 5% Solution.

Hi Beauties this is Robin Nielsen, it's so great to be here with you. You know, I wanted to share with you a quick way to make dinner, because sometimes it's so hard when we're tired at the end of a long day, but a really good question to ask yourself is, "What is it that would most nourish me tonight?"

And I asked myself that question, and I came up with soup. I just felt like I needed some soup to really nourish my body. So, I opened my cupboards, I took a look and I had a few things.

So, I had a partial bag of these split green peas. About a cup and a half. So, I put that in this pot here, and then I had a couple of boxes of Imagine vegetable broth, which is my favorite. I get the low sodium so I can add my own sea salt. And I put a whole box in here, along with two cups of water, and I let it cook for about 30 minutes. So, I brought it to a boil and then I put it on simmer, and I let it cook for about 30 to 40 minutes.

Then I added some more vegetable broth. You can also just add some more water. And I added some carrots. You can see how I just quarter them here. You actually just cut it in half like this, cut it in half again, and then you can just make some simple, nice pieces like that to throw in. And I do not peel the carrots, because I want to make sure that it's the whole, real food, but I do wash them really well.

And then I got this beautiful fennel. All of this is from the local farmers market. And I just chopped this up into small pieces and threw that in, and then I have some gorgeous baby bok choy here and I chopped that up, and I threw the whole thing in, including the leaves.

And then I added a little bit more water, a little bit more vegetable broth, and I added about a tablespoon of sea salt, a tablespoon of cumin, and about a tablespoon and a half of onion powder. It's really important to taste your soup to make sure it tastes delicious for you. Okay?

And then you can see how beautiful this is. It's so thick, and rich, and delicious, and oh my gosh, I cannot wait to eat it. So, it doesn't have to be these exact ingredients, it just has to be whatever you have on hand, and you can use your herbs and spices to make it extra delicious.

Alright, that's it. So, what's on your dinner table for tonight? I'll see you soon.

Where You Put Your Attention Matters For Hormone Success!

Hey, happy motivation Monday beautiful. I'm so excited to be here with you today. It's a beautiful, beautiful day to set some really powerful intentions for yourself.

One of my favorite people around this is a woman by the name of Mary Morrissey, and she has this beautiful book called the miracle minute. I'm going to read you a passage in this book that will help you to set your intentions for what it is you want for yourself, because our bodies are actually wired for stress.

So it's really easy for our minds to go to that really negative, more stressful place because we're designed to stay alive. So we're always on alert for things that may be wanting to kill us. And of course when we experience symptoms of hormones imbalance, we are much more susceptible to this state of being. So we have to really, really be conscious about our thoughts and how our thoughts are really changing every single cell of our body every day.

And so the more we can start turning our thoughts to those things that we want for ourselves, the more we're gonna get those things. And that really makes so much sense right down to our health every single day.

So I like to read to you this passage from Mary's book a miracle minute. So it gives you an idea of what I'm talking about and how you can start to use them for yourself. And when I held the New You Master Class, that's what this was all about.'s called intention.

"I once heard someone say where you place your attention you are placing your intention. In fact, the only way the universe knows what we are truly desiring is by where we are placing our attention. Because the universe gives us the power of focus and the power of free will. Where we focus our attention. with our freewill builds an energy field that by the law of attraction, attracts unto us the molecular structure of those thoughts. Where we're placing our attention today and everyday creates a pattern of experience, a pattern of possibility, and a pattern of attraction. That is why it is so powerful for us to remember to take our minds off of our problems and put them on God."

Okay. So it might be god for you. It might be the universe, it might be the divine beloved, whatever it is for you.

"You have to know that there is a greater power that we can release things to. Okay? So we to take our minds off of what's missing or what seems wrong and put our minds on possibility, and opportunities. To look for the good and to appreciate because [inaudible] field only more of the good can be made manifest in our lives. So today we take our attention and we put it on God. And give thanks for this day, another day of living."

Doesn't that sound beautiful? And there's a fantastic book called Outrageous Openness. I just love it. It was recommended to me by Dr Christiane Northrup, who is one of my favorite hormone experts of all time. And it's really all about telling the universe, telling God what you want, and then releasing it.

And, and I think you know about sometimes in my life, like what's going on for me? And you know, I think, um, one example, one very simple example,I have is in my tennis matches. And you know, of course I always want to win, but I want to also have fun and I want to have joy. And one thing I noticed is that my tennis matches while I was winning them, they were lasting a really long time.

They were so, Oh hard. They were hard. It was hard to win. And I thought, you know, I never asked for a short tennis match. Okay, this time I'm going to ask for a short tennis match. So I, I said a little prayer to the divine beloved. They just said, you know, please, today I would like to have, I'd like to not only win and have fun, but I'd also like it to be short. And so then I started getting that.

So of course I asked for good energy and good mental clarity every day. And then I ask for other things. Like I ask that you are served in the highest good to help reach your health goals and live the life of your dreams. So you are often in my daily prayers here. So what is it that you want for yourself?

What is it that you want around your health? And then ask for that every single day. And that's then where you're putting your attention. And then in the evening, I say what I'm grateful for before I fall asleep at night because what we're grateful for, we get more of.

So I will say that I'm so grateful for you and I'm so grateful for the beautiful health progress you are seeing. And then I find those new little things that I'm grateful for because it helps our bodies and our minds to search for the good in every day. And it could be like the smallest, smallest thing like, the dish that you made with so delicious. And I'm just grateful for how delicious my meal was.

Whatever it is for you or for a beautiful flower or for a beautiful connection you had with someone. But just saying those gratitudes really helps put your intention where you want it to go. Put your attention on your intentions. I hope this makes some sense for you, and I hope that you will take just a moment to ask for what you want today.

Sending you so much love and gratitude.

MODULE 10: Morning Routine


Welcome to Week 14 of the 5% Solution. Hi, this is Robyn Nielsen. Welcome to Week 14. I'm so excited you're here.

I'm here at the beautiful Squaw Valley. This is the home of the 1960 Winter Olympics. It is just awe inspiring and we're actually here in the Squaw Valley for a friend's wedding, so we're traveling and eating has been a challenge.

I want to help you eat better when you're out traveling. We walked around to several restaurants this morning and didn't find anything that sounded good or looked appealing or would really serve us, so we went to the local market that had healthy food choices.

I was so excited, just a little tiny market in King's Beach on Lake Tahoe and they made shakes and I got to pick exactly what I wanted in my shake, so I had some kale and I had them put some flax and some protein powder and some berries and a few other things.

Then I was able to get a salad for lunch, so I just had them make that salad right there. I actually picked everything I wanted in my salad and then I took it home, put it in the fridge. We're staying in a little place that has a refrigerator. I think that's really important if you're staying in a hotel room or you're staying in a little house.

We rented a little cottage that had a refrigerator because you want to be able to refrigerate your food when you're traveling. Then we had great food all day long and now we're going to a wedding. I'm not starving, so if there aren't the right food choices at the wedding, I'll be all set.

This week, if you're traveling, just do some research ahead of time, find out some markets or some healthier places that you can eat so that you can feel good and stay on track while you're traveling.

Alright, it's so great to be here with you and I will see you here next week.


Hi. Welcome to the 5% Solution, Week 18. Wow, we are really rolling along.

Hi, this is Robin Nielsen and I'm so excited to be here with you today.

I want to share a really important concept with you, which is just say NO. Just say the word no more often.

The reason I suggest this is because sometimes as women, we tend to give way too much. Does this resonate with you at all? You say yes before you even have a chance to decide whether it really is going to nourish you or not.

I remember for me, if I was asked to do something, it made me feel so important and special and yes, of course I could do it and if I didn't do it, somebody else would do it and they probably would do a really good job at it and then I wouldn't get all of the accolades for doing it myself. I always felt like I could do it better than anyone else. Better and faster and blah, blah blah.

So, I wore myself out completely. I completely wore myself out and then I became resentful and I became angry a lot of the time and irritable, because I was so burned out. At some point, I learned the world is going to keep going whether I'm in it or not, whether I participate or not, things will get done. It may not be as good as I could do it, but things will get done.

When I realized that, I thought wow, that is powerful. It's powerful to say no because when you say no to something, you're saying yes to yourself. There's a little expression that I like to use and it goes like this, if it's not a hell yes, it's a no. So if initially when an idea comes up or you're approached to do something, if you are excited and it's a hell yes, then definitely do it, but if you're hesitating at all, then it's a no for right now. There are a lot of ways to do this. You can just say, "no.". No is a complete sentence. You can say, "Let me think about it and get back to you.". That's a nice way without completely putting someone off.

When I say no is a complete sentence, that's a really important concept. That's because you don't have any obligation to explain why you can't engage in something. It's nobody's business but your own. It may be that you have no explanation, but you just don't wanna do it. So don't feel guilty or don't feel shame or don't feel anything but just pure love for yourself when you use the word no.

I can give you a really good example of this. I was asked to be on a board for a second term and my term was only one year, but I was asked to be on the board for another year, and I said yes before really analyzing whether I wanted to do it or not. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I said, "Boy did I make a dumb decision.", but I said, "I'm gonna get out of it, because it really doesn't nourish me to stay on this board for another year.", so I knew that there would be some tears by the president. I really loved the president of the organization, but I just made up my mind that I was gonna get off the board, so I setup a meeting with him. I went to meet with him and we cried together and I knew that I would be replaced quickly. I thought I was going to be irreplaceable and I thought to myself, think again honey. They're gonna replace you in a heartbeat.

Sure enough, within a couple of days they had someone who filled my position, so just took a few tears and we got through it and helped me to learn my lesson too in the the future to say, "You know, I'm gonna think about it.", or "No.", so I really encourage you to say no a little bit more often just so that you have time for yourself. Think about what you would do with your time if you had more of it. Something really special I bet.

That's your to do this week. Think about how you can say, "No.", no to someone else's request and yes to yourself.

All right, I'm here for you every step of the way and I'll see you next week.

Hi. This Robin Nielsen. Welcome to the 5% Weekly Solution.

This week I wanted to talk a little bit about being organized. As I was getting ready for an event this evening, I couldn't find my sunglasses and I was scurrying around trying to find them. I realized, you know, if I just put them in the same place all the time, I could save myself some unwanted or unnecessary stress. That's what I usually do.

Every day, get into a routine of putting your things into the same places. Get your schedule organized so that you do your weekly activities the same day every week. Take one day a week, just maybe 30 minutes, and list out what you have to do the next week, and then set aside the time to do it.

Actually put it in your calendar. Put your car keys in the same place. Put your grocery shopping list in the same place. Put your grocery shopping bags in the same place. In fact, keep them in your car so that you have them when you go to the grocery store. Right?

Simple things like this can make a really big difference on the stress in your life. We know that people with hormone imbalance just have more stress. They perceive stress a little bit differently than others. We want to reduce it and eliminate it as much as possible.

This week, get yourself organized around the routine things that you do every day and every week, and it'll really simplify your life. All right. I'll meet you here again next week.

MODULE 11: Substances in Foods That Cause Hormone Imbalance

Focus On Just One Thing This Week

Hi beauties. Hey, this is Robin and I'm here in beautiful San Diego at an incredible conference where I will be getting up on the stage here shortly, but I wanted to give you a motivation Monday tip and that is... what is your plan for success this week?

You know, if we just have one plan, one idea, one thing we can focus on, it's so easy to be so much more successful with your program, with helping with hormone balance, with helping to stay on track with the five elements system.

So I know for me, if I just plan out my meals, if I know what I'm eating each day it helps me so much. If I make sure that I eat a good healthy breakfast within an hour of waking, it helps me so much to sustain that good energy throughout the day.

And the shake is my go to meal. I start with water and I put a little coconut milk in there at a table sooner to have ground flaxseed and I put a cup of berries and I'll put some little piece of ginger and maybe a little splash of Apple cider vinegar. And a handful of parsley or greens of some sort and it's an incredible, incredible way to start your day. And of course then I use one of my protein powders. And I mostly use the Power Paleo, but sometimes I use the Vegan Vanilla. So what is your go to breakfast?

And then I never go more than four to six hours between meals. And I know when I'm going to have for lunch. And I know what I'm going to have for dinner. And I stop eating three hours before bed.

So how can you be successful this week? Just this week. What is one thing that you're going to focus on and what have you posted right here in the comments section? What is one thing they're going to focus on this week to stay on track? Just one thing.

Maybe to watch a module, maybe just to watch a module and get re-inspired to go through and look at some of the women's posts here and get re-inspired. Look at all of our food Friday posts that Lindsay, our PCOS food advocate has put up, you know, and just get inspired around food.

If you just did that one thing, you'd have an incredibly successful week. All right. Oh my gosh, wishing you so much success. I want to hear what your one thing is. It's going to help you be more successful this week. Just post it right here. All right. Sending you so much love.

Change Your Mindset To Get Unstuck!